Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Win, Clear 50 Waves & Score at Autobot Stronghold (Step-by-Step Guide)

Completely Reorganised & Updated on 8 Aug 09

The Five Autobots
A description of the characteristics of each of the five Autobots.

Bumblebee – rapid fire, close range, low damage - costs 10 Sparks; 8 Sparks to upgrade to 2nd level of Damage, 10 Sparks for all other upgrades - it can only target one Decepticon at a time.

Jazz – moderate fire, close range (better than Bumblebee), inhibits movement - costs 15 Sparks; 12 Sparks to upgrade to 2nd level of Damage, 15 Sparks for all other upgrades - it doesn’t do any damage, but can considerably slow the movement of any advancing Decepticons.

Ironhide – moderate fire, mid range, homing missiles - costs 20 Sparks; 15 Sparks to upgrade to 2nd level of Damage, 20 Sparks for all other upgrades - it can damage multiple Decepticons occupying the same space; use Jazz to slow and pack the Decepticons together for Ironhide to destroy them together.

Ratchet – reduced (slow) fire, ground attack only, long & wide blast range - costs 30 Sparks; 24 Sparks to upgrade to 2nd level of Damage, 30 Sparks for all other upgrades - can damage multiple targets in wide spaces; useless against Starscream (jet).

Optimus Prime – moderate fire, wide range, upgrades to multiple targeting - costs 50 Sparks; 50 Sparks for all upgrades -the ultimate killing machine especially when upgraded to the max.

Optimus Prime will only be available once your Score is more than 100,000 Points.

The Six Decepticons
The six different types of Decepticon, in order of their appearances, are:

Insecticon (crab) – appear from Wave 1 (destroy each to get 1 Spark and 100 Points)

Shockwave (soldier) – appear from Wave 3 (destroy each to get 2 Sparks and 250 Points)

Starscream (jet) – appear from Wave 10 (destroy each to get 1 Spark and 350 Points)

Ravage (scorpion) – appear from Wave 11 (destroy each to get 1 Spark and 400 Points)

Galvatron (coloured solider) – appear from Wave 25 (destroy each to get 2 Sparks and 500 Points)

Brunt (armoured tank) – appear from Wave 30 (destroy each to get 10 Sparks and 1,000 Points)

General Guidelines
Use at least one each of the five different Autobots. You can actually use less types but let’s have all of them to work as a team.

Upgrade to the max the Damage levels of each of them. You can upgrade the Damage levels of each Autobot twice. Then upgrade at appropriate times, the Response and Speed of each. Note that Speed is not the speed of firing but the speed to turn and aim at a different target. Response is actually the speed of firing.

Position your Autobots to cover all tracks so that you don’t have to waste Sparks on upgrading the Range (except for Bumblebees, which is a must, and Ironhide, or even Ratchet).

Destroy the Decepticons as early as possible so that they have less chances of going near the Stronghold.

Don’t be too concerned about protecting your back (near the entrance of the Stronghold) – letting some Decepticons go through the Stronghold is fine. You are allowed 20 Decepticons to pass and enter the Stronghold. This has no bearing on your Score hence letting one or two of them break into the Stronghold is not a concern. You can work on not letting any go through after you have at least managed to clear all 50 Waves.

Improving Your Score
The amount of resources you use to defend the Stronghold has also no bearing on your Score. It does not mean that if you use less Autobots or have more Sparks, the Score will be better.

The only way to increase your Score substantially is to “Send Next Wave” as soon as possible.

Rather than wait for Brunts, which travel extremely slow, to within target range, "Send Next Wave" earlier not only to get extra Points but also to earn more Sparks when you destroy Decepticons from the next Wave to upgrade your Autobots, especially when you need the upgrades to destroy the Brunts, which are the hardest to destroy.

You can get more than 61,000 Points if you Send Wave 50 fast enough.

The following shows how much additional Points you can add to your Score if you immediately “Send Next Wave”.

You cannot “Send” Wave One – it starts by itself

Wave 2 – 172 Points

Wave 27 – 7,133 Points
Wave 3 – 253 PointsWave 28 – 7,745 Points
Wave 4 – 338 PointsWave 29 – 8.475 Points
Wave 5 – 419 PointsWave 30 – 8.958 Points
Wave 6 – 504 PointsWave 31 – 9,672 Points
Wave 7 – 584 PointsWave 32 – 11,149 Points
Wave 8 – 671 PointsWave 33 - 12,385 Points
Wave 9 – 758 PointsWave 34 – 15,168 Points
Wave 10 – 847 PointsWave 35 – 17,014 Points
Wave 11 – 910 PointsWave 36 – 18,155 Points
Wave 12 – 1,160 PointsWave 37 – 18.791 Points
Wave 13 – 1,657 PointsWave 38 – 23,409 Points
Wave 14 – 2,045 PointsWave 39 – 24,449 Points
Wave 15 – 2,367 PointsWave 40 – 24,682 Points
Wave 16 – 2,589 PointsWave 41 – 29,243 Points
Wave 17 – 3,184 PointsWave 42 – 32,172 Points
Wave 18 – 3,544 PointsWave 43 – 35,771 Points
Wave 19 – 3,955 PointsWave 44 – 39,626 Points
Wave 20 – 4,042 PointsWave 45 – 40,940 Points
Wave 21 – 4,314 PointsWave 46 – 47,186 Points
Wave 22 – 5,142 PointsWave 47 – 52,526 Points
Wave 23 – 5,479 PointsWave 48 – 52,796 Points
Wave 24 – 6,039 PointsWave 49 – 58,325 Points
Wave 25 – 6,521 PointsWave 50 – 61,072 Points

Wave 26 – 7,183 Points

Note that the above Points may vary by 10 Points depending how fast you click the “Send Next Wave” button.

You get a bonus of 1,000,000 Points to your Score when you cleared all 50 Waves.

You will get 278,050 Points if you managed to destroy ALL the Decepticons. If you “Send Next Wave” the very moment you can, you will get another 721,520 Points. But this is usually not quite possible. As such, theoretically, the highest possible score is 1,999,570 (278,050 + 721,520 + 1,000,000 Bonus Points).

The 50 Waves
Decepticons come in three directions: the Bottom, Middle Right Side and Top Right Side. Out of 50 Waves, 34 Waves will come from the Bottom and Side. Six Waves (from Wave 34 onwards) will come from the Top.

The following shows what you can expect from each Wave.

Wave 1 : Side - 2 Insecticons
Wave 2 : Bottom - 4 Insecticons
Wave 3 : Side - 4 Shockwaves
Wave 4 : Bottom - 6 Insecticons
Wave 5 : Side - 6 Shockwaves; Bottom - 4 Insecticons
Wave 6 : Bottom - 8 Insecticons
Wave 7 : Bottom - 12 Insecticons
Wave 8 : Side - 10 Shockwaves
Wave 9 : Side - 15 Insecticons; Bottom - 4 Shockwaves
Wave 10 : Side - 4 Starscreams; Bottom - 8 Insecticons
Wave 11 : Side - 6 Ravages
Wave 12 : Bottom - 10 Shockwaves
Wave 13 : Side - 8 Ravages; Bottom - 15 Shockwaves
Wave 14 : Bottom - 10 Insecticons
Wave 15 : Side - 4 Starscreams; Bottom - 10 Ravages
Wave 16 : Side - 15 Shockwaves; Bottom - 10 Insecticons
Wave 17 : Side - 20 Insecticons
Wave 18 : Side - 20 Shockwaves; Bottom - 8 Insecticons
Wave 19 : Side - 20 Ravages
Wave 20 : Side - 6 Starscreams; Bottom - 6 Ravages
Wave 21 : Side - 20 Insecticons
Wave 22 : Side - 15 Ravages; Bottom - 10 Insecticons
Wave 23 : Bottom - 20 Insecticons
Wave 24 : Bottom - 15 Shockwaves
Wave 25 : Side - 20 Galvatrons and 6 Starscreams
Wave 26 : Bottom - 25 Ravages
Wave 27 : Side - 10 Starscreams; Bottom - 8 Insecticons
Wave 28 : Side - 20 Shockwaves
Wave 29 : Side - 8 Ravages (spaced-out); Bottom - 15 Galvatrons
Wave 30 : Bottom - 1 Brunt
Wave 31 : Bottom - 15 Shockwaves; Side - 10 Insecticons
Wave 32 : Side - 8 Starscreams; Bottom - 8 Ravages (spaced-out)
Wave 33 : Bottom - 20 Galvatrons
Wave 34 : Top - 2 Insecticons (spaced-out); Side - 30 Insecticons
Wave 35 : Side - 10 Starscreams; Bottom - 30 Ravages
Wave 36 : Side - 10 Starscreams
Wave 37 : Side - 8 Starscreams; Bottom - 5 Brunts
Wave 38 : Side - 15 Galvatrons
Wave 39 : Bottom - 30 Ravages
Wave 40 : Top - 10 Insecticons; Bottom - 5 Brunts
Wave 41 : Side - 30 Insecticons
Wave 42 : Bottom - 20 Shockwaves
Wave 43 : Top - 3 Brunts; Side - 8 Starscreams
Wave 44 : Side - 10 Starscreams
Wave 45 : Side - 10 Ravages; Bottom - 15 Galvatrons
Wave 46 : Top - 10 Insecticons; Bottom - 4 Brunts
Wave 47 : Side - 15 Ravages and 8 Starscreams; Bottom - 5 Shockwaves
Wave 48 : Top - 13 Galvatrons; Bottom - 13 Galvatrons
Wave 49 : Side - 20 Starscreams and 10 Ravages; Bottom - 10 Insecticons
Wave 50 : Top - 2 Brunts and 10 Galvatrons; Side - 10 Starscreams and 20 Ravages

A Possible Team Combination
Most strategies involved defending the mid-section since that is the path of the Starscreams.

If your goal is simply to clear 50 Waves, without any concerns on how much your Score will be, in other words, just playing the game in a leisurely manner and letting each Wave be sent automatically, then one simple, but effective, team is:

- two Bumblebees – upgrade both to the max (Damage, Speed, Response, Range)
- one Jazz– upgrade to the max Damage and Response
- one Ironhide – upgrade to the max
- one Ratchet – max Damage & Range
- three Optimus Primes – max Damage

The above is more than enough to clear all 50 Waves. There will be sufficient Sparks for you to purchase more Autobots than the above team. You might want to add another Bumblebee, one or two more Jazz and one or two Optimus Primes.

Start the game with one Bumblebee and one Ironhide, upgrade and add the others along the way.

If you want to clear all 50 Waves and have a Score as high as possible, then you cannot wait for the system to "Send Next Wave"; you will need to "Send" it yourself. You can still use the above team combination but you will need to tweak your additions, change the sequences of upgrades depending how fast the Decepticons are approaching.

Rather than write lengthy details, I decided to show a recorded game which was played at a semi pace; not too slow but not too fast either. I deliberately avoided "Send Next Wave" too early at several junctures so that the video clip could be clearer. The Score could have been higher than 1,704,044 that was achieved in this game.

As there is a size limit to the video that I can upload here, I have to split the entire video into 5 parts.

Part 1 - Wave 1 to 19

Part 2 - Wave 20 to 30

Part 3 - Wave 30 to 39

Part 4 - Wave 39 to 48

Part 5 - Wave 48 to 50

Ultimate Cheat
How to continue playing even if your Stronghold has been completely destroyed?

Here's how:
The moment the last Decepticon breaks into the Stronghold and when you start to hear the sound that signal the end of the game, quickly click on "Pause" to pause the game. Subsequently when you click on "Resume to Play" you will be able to continue playing till the end. However do note that the screen will become darker as if you are now fighting the Decepticons in the night.

Please leave a comment as I would like to know whether this has been helpful, useful or perhaps you know something that I don't and would like to share with others. I would also like to know which city and country you are from.


  1. Hey, thank you for this very generous description - it helped me very much - I come from Cologne in Germany - Mary

  2. Thanks Mary. I am very glad you found the information helpful. Enjoy your game.

  3. Really good advice wish I could get past 1,650,000
    Peter from Melbourne Australia

  4. Thanks. I still play this game occasionally with different team of Autobots. I am trying to pass 1,800,000. I think you should have no problem passing 1,650,000 soon.

  5. hey thanks for the tip on the "ultimate cheat". My highest score is 1,924,000. i have been stuck around there for awhile. I wish i could get just a little higher and get on the top 100 board.....but i am out of ideas. I get there with two bees til wave 24....then basically load up on maxed primes and if i time it right...i can really push through quickly from wave 26 to 34, then again from 35 on without the "ultimate cheat" coming in to play until wave 47 or so. Sometimes i use a jazz at the very end...but i have had trouble using all but the bee and the prime effectively.

  6. It worked! It actually worked. Thanks for the tip

  7. Glad that you folks find the tips helpful. Started playing this game again and I have just managed to clear 1,850,000.

  8. I only played this game for a few times but thanks for your tips. I'm from Hong Kong.

  9. Gr88 Efforts...
    I ve tried various combinations...
    Can score max. 1873,704.
    Cant go beyond this score though.
    Any tips...

  10. Wish I have more time to try out more combinations. My last best score was just 1,860,806; so yours is better than mine. When I have the time and can manage to across the 1,900,000 mark, I will make another post.

  11. Thanx.
    Though i ve tried lot of combination's!
    The best combi is Bumblebee, & Optimus Prime.
    Eventually i sell all bumb'ees and have 4 OPs'.

    I saw that some of the guys ve made more than 19.5 Mil. Even if u kind of use the 'cheating' method it is beyond me... atleast for now!
    I am from India.
    Thanx again.

  12. Scribbler, thank you for the guide.

    I had been playing this and just couldn't get past level 46 or 47.

    I finally got through starting with 2 Bumblebees in the center, upgrade as can. Added 3rd BB right beside, then an Ironhide at the top, upgrading as I could. Fourth BB in upper right. Managed to hold off until Prime was finally introduced, and then that was all she wrote.

    Thanks for the help.

  13. I am glad you managed to clear all 50 levels. If you are still interested in this game then perhaps the next challenge would be to increase your score as high as possible. Good luck.

  14. scribbler
    thanks for your posts and all of the help. With your tips i have gotten as high as 1,927,000. Can't get any higher though. I 'd be happy to walk through how i got that high if anyone wanted. But i wish someone who got above 1,950,000 would come on here and explain to all of us how....cuz i just can't figure it out. Totally out of ideas. I wonder if there is another trick we don't know about.

  15. That's great! Did you use the "ultimate cheat"? Well, I don't and my scores are without using it. Yes, please share with me how you managed to score 1.927M. With or without using the "ultimate cheat" I would very much like to know. Thanks.

  16. well it's hard to describe without screenshots. But i'll try. I start with two bees fully upgraded. One in the top right corner in the bend...the other in the center left corner. It will take a bit of practice to time but generally i can rush til level 9. wait a bit. rush 11-14. wait til crowd gets to center left corner. rush 15-16. wait til last decepticon appears. 17. wait til last decepticon passes bottom entrance. 18. wait til all are killed. 19 wait til all but last 4 are killed. If you time this all perfectly you can manage to kill all with just two bees....but if you get frustrated add a third. The key is to rush because when you get to 20 you have to click through to wave 24 or 25 until you get 100,000 points. If you haven't rushed early on enouh you won't get to 100,000 til wave 26...and that is too late. As soon as you get 100,000 buy a prime and place him in the top left corner so that his kill range reaches both the inner, outer, and back tracks. Upgrade asap. If you only used two bees you can max him out all at once. Don't worry about range. ---to be continued----

  17. ----continued---
    if you time everything just right the prime should be able to catch most of the planes just in time and also kill the big swarm of waves. wait til things clear up a bit. rush 26-27. wait a bit. rush 28-31. wait 10 seconds or so. 32-34. wait awhile. rush 35-40. wait a bit. 41-46...short pause...47-50. from 26 on just keep adding primes fully upgraded (except range).
    My highest scores (1.927) come from the ultimate cheat being used around level 47. I just rush everything through to score points that way. With ultimate cheat all my primes are in the top left corner with a Jazz in the middle top to slow down the brunts until everything else has passed through. That way the primes focus on killing as much of everything else until they are gone. And then about ten brunts should be left to kill one by one. Without the "ultimate cheat" i can score about 1,905,000 doing everything as described til level 44...at which point i don't rush the waves as much. i also have the primes placed more evenly on the board. Hope this helps or makes some sense. feel free to ask questions. And if you have a tip for me please pass it along!

  18. My name is Hugo from Brazil.

    excellent tutorial was helpful.
    I know a trick that has not discovered, because there are people who can reach 5,000,000.

  19. Thanks Murdock for your detailed writeup.

    Thanks Hugo. I am interested to know about the trick you mentioned. If you don't wish to post it here, please send me an email instead. You can send it to: thescribblerinsingapore@gmail.com

  20. I was trying to beat all 50 levels almost one month, but i when i follow ur steps i finish it
    in a few minutes, and with my base untouched!!!
    Thx a lot my friend was very helpful...
    Nick from Greece

  21. really you are the best and thanks it was quite helpful and i achieved my victory in the game

  22. You rock man! Although this game has been played very often, it was never thought to consolidate such information! Kudos to you!

    Perhaps anyone could provide inputs on how to finish 50 levels without damage. I did it once, but could not recreate now ;(. Thanks again scribbler!

    P.S. Perhaps you could also share your insights, ideas and thoughts about wedding stuffs. Thanks Lah!

  23. Thanks, Wedding Engineers. Yes it is definitely possible to clear all 50 levels without damage and achieve high score. I was telling players to ignore damages first and concentrate on reaching and clearing level 50. After that, one can improve on one's score plus reduce damages to none. One's score will be higher without any damages.

    When I have the time I will upload a video clip of another play strategy without any damage.

    Thots about wedding stuff? Like?

  24. greetings from vienna! I found that game only a few weeks ago ;-). your walktrough is great and it's fun to watch! I used that "pause"... made it (without cheatin, on my own) to wave 47 or 48 (after days and hours) and always have been destroyed. but with your cheat I survived the big screen ^^ !

    btw: I like to turn the sound and music off, after a while. especially when I play games in the evening/at night. you can play longer without the noises, in my experiences (esp. when tired...).

  25. I usually play with the sound off. However there are times I like to play with the sound quite loud just for extra kicks :-)

  26. u can get 2mil or more too , i got 730,385 for clicking Send Next Wave as fast as i could.

    So : 1,000,000 + 730,385 + 278,050 = 2,008,435 :)

  27. this is the best webdite to defeat the decepticons i got 1,756,085

  28. the website is the best and i got to be on the highscores

  29. my highest score somehow is 3,479,702

    Ashley form Texas

  30. i got 2,014,038 so its possile 2mln+ , gratzs 3mln , but how ? :D

  31. Arif from India, Managed 17191470
    Team of 6 bumblebees and 3 optimus prime, placed at specific locations
    All upgraded to max.
    Bumblebee - Upgrading range first, then response, then double upgrade attack, and then speed
    Optimus prime - double upgrade attak, then range, then response, and then speed

  32. Arif from India, Managed 1738437 , beating my previous best of 17191470
    Team of 6 bumblebees and 3 optimus prime, placed at specific locations
    All upgraded to max.
    Bumblebee - Upgrading range first, then response, then double upgrade attack, and then speed
    Optimus prime - double upgrade attak, then range, then response, and then speed

  33. scored 1904534 without any cheat
