Thursday, September 17, 2009

ICE – In Case of Emergency

On Tuesday, 15 Sep 09, at 12.05 pm, the “Important Message” Signal went off islandwide. Part of the Important Message was an advice to enter the contact details of the person whom you like to be contacted in case of emergency, under the heading ICE in your mobile phone.

This initiative and practice, which started in UK in 2004 and had since been adopted by many countries, are now being encouraged in Singapore.

Well, while this may be a very good idea, retrieving the ICE details might not be easy given the many brands and models of mobile phones. Furthermore, the phones might be locked. Perhaps mobile phone manufacturers can work out a common standard to store and make retrieval of ICE details easy and quick.

In times of emergency, most probably accidents, the mobile phone is very likely to be “separated” from the victim unless he carries it in his pocket. Even then, the phone could be damaged during the course of the accident.

What needs to be done is also to encourage the carrying of an ICE Card in one’s wallet or purse as some countries have also done. The ICE Card, besides providing the contact details of your next of kin or friends in case of emergency, can also includes the victim’s own details such name, address, blood type, allergies, whether he/she is an organ donor, the preferred hospital to be sent to, and any important information.

Yes, do enter your ICE details in your mobile phone. If you have more than one preferred contact, you are to enter them as ICE1, ICE2, ICE3, and so on.

Until we have a standard ICE Card, either issued by MOH or SCDF, make your own and put it in your wallet or purse as well.

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