Thursday, October 29, 2009

Why Blog? How Blog?

I have not posted anything for nearly four weeks now though there were so many things on my mind that I wanted to share.

This is what I was afraid of and one of the reasons why I didn’t started blogging earlier. It has to do with my character – in everything I do, that has a direct reflection of me, it has to be done to the best of my effort. So, as far as this Blog is concerned, it has to be written in a clear and concise way and all facts must be verified and elaborated upon before posting. Sometimes when I had written something and about to post it but a similar report appears in the newspaper first, I will delete it and not post it.

For instance I wanted to write about e-book reader, how a number of years back (not recently) I saw one lady having one and she looked so cool that I had coveted one, about how expensive it is and there are other better and cheaper alternatives coming up soon from Plastic Logic and Asus. But all these have appeared in our newspapers recently, except no one has mentioned anything yet about Asus coming up with a colour dual-panel e-book, which is supposed to be cheaper than the Kindle.

But that is journalism and not blogging.

I remembered one MP said that if he needs to think before writing anything on his blog, it wouldn’t be blogging and it would be too tedious to do so. Whilst I agree with him, I cannot bring myself to do that. And because of this, it took me some time to decide on the direction my Blog should go. (Under normal circumstances I would need to find out the name of this MP before posting even though the actual name is immaterial.)

This IS supposed to be MY cyber scrapebook, where I scribbler down notes of interest to MYSELF, and a lesser extent to others. I started this Blog with this concept and direction and thus I must remember this from now onwards.

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