Saturday, May 30, 2009

A Tiring Week

This past week has been tiring.

Had second round of budget meeting, which lead to the need to verify and clarify with people who prepared their budgets, like “what were you thinking when you prepared the budget?” After which was the consolidation of the budgets which would be presented for final approval.

Mid-week I caught not the flu bug but the “uh-hum” bug. The “uh-hum” bug just gave me a constant nagging irritation in the throat – no cough, no cold, no fever. But when I had a nasty headache and kind of feverish I went to see the doctor early to prevent another episode of “my immune system being overwhelmed.”

Previously, there was this flu bug that was going around in the office but I managed to fend it off. I was feeling great but whilst at home one day, all of a sudden I got a sudden chill and then fever followed immediately which required two days of rest for me to recover. My doc said my immune system was fighting the then flu bug successfully till it cannot take it anymore and was “overwhelmed” hence the sudden chill and immediate fever. So is my immune system against the flu strong or not?

I have been getting my annual flu jab for the past three years now. Studies show that people who have flu jabs are less likely to get the flu and when they get it, they take one to two days less to recover from it. At $30 a jab, it is worth it!

Was “resting” at home for two days. Spent those two days sleeping, catching up on tv shows and restoring my computer. This time round I can’t even access the failed one-year old hard disk as its CHS values cannot be determined by the BIOS (anybody got a solution to this?). This is a first for me as I never experienced a failed hard disk within a year. My backups had always been in another partition in the same disk and eventually I will create another backup on another hard disk but unfortunately I didn't get to this stage of backup yet. As such I lost all my data and emails for the past 14 months or so. Was kind of dejected over this for the past two weeks as I should have known better and had I not been so "lazy" and so was not in the mood to do anything.

A new staff would be coming onboard so I needed to prepare and configure a computer system for him. Normally I get to know about new staff joining at least a month ahead so I get plenty of time to prep up the system. But this time round it was just a few days’ notice. It seems he was informed of his posting the same time we knew he was coming.

Hope to take some time off next week to catch up with a friend and to play with my cousins’ children.

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